
The best novated leasing experience imaginable

With a combined 40 years in the industry, Billiecart founders Emma, Rachael & Dan spotted a unique opportunity. Their journey wasn't just about innovation; it was about revolutionising the customer experience in novated leasing for working Australians. This vision led them to transform the traditional process, allowing employees to lease cars tax-free without it needing to be for business use, and ensuring employers could offer this perk seamlessly.

As Australia’s novated leasing experts, Billiecart's mission was a simple yet powerful realisation: while the industry focused heavily on sales and corporate agreements, the actual drivers—the people behind the wheel—were often overlooked.

"There's a lot of focus on the sale and the commissions organisations make once they've secured that sale. However, the journey for the novated lease driver isn't always great. It's a long-term commitment that often gets overlooked in the customer service element," says Rachael.

"Our job is to make sure that we're contacting those drivers to say, 'It looks like you're travelling more than anticipated. Let's adjust your package,' rather than ending with, 'You owe us four thousand dollars for exceeding your fuel budget.' So for us, it's been about setting up Billiecart to do it differently. And to really look after that customer."

In their quest for a partner to bring their vision to life, Billiecart teamed up with EndGame, drawn by the team’s deep understanding of the fintech space and partnership-centric approach to software development.

When comparing the EndGame experience with previous partners, Rachael says, “We were used to spending hours in meetings, building and getting their heads around things. I think we were a bit shocked early on with EndGame because the team wasn't pulling on us; they didn't need to. They didn't need the explanations; they already had the understanding.”

Many small businesses rely on rudimentary tools, such as spreadsheets and no-code solutions, to manage operations. This approach quickly proved inadequate for Billiecart’s ambitions. To establish themselves as a credible and trustworthy partner to their enterprise customers, a more robust and scalable solution was essential. Doing things in spreadsheets initially often becomes a valuable asset and in this case, it was useful in testing tax rules and allowing the team to refine and validate their solution against real-world data.

While typical large businesses might lean on off-the-shelf solutions like Salesforce for operational needs, Billiecart recognised that such options also wouldn't fulfill their vision. The need to stand out in the market with an innovative and unprecedented solution was clear, they required a custom-software approach.

The collaboration kicked off with a discovery phase, diving deep into the novated leasing space to validate the need for Billiecart's solution. This phase was crucial, ensuring that both teams were aligned in understanding the goals.

EndGame Senior Developer, Lachlan Ridley, reflects on the initial design challenges, "As we worked through the initial design ideas, we realised it was going to be much more complicated and probably a lot more than the team had budgeted for. So we worked together to prioritise core functionality, initial ‘nice-to-haves,’ and decided what could potentially be added later once the product was up and running."

Billiecart's expectations were clear: balance cost with value to develop a minimum viable product that could grow. The outcome? A tool that not only streamlines lease management but also sets the stage for a customer portal, offering complete transparency over novated leases.

What's next for Billiecart? With the MVP phase completed, the focus shifts to market entry and data integrations, always with an ear to the ground, listening to both customers and end users.

Rachael says, "From our perspective, we will always be working with our customers and drivers, listening to their feedback and improving our offering. We also want to stay ahead of our competitors, so as technology evolves we want to continue innovating. EndGame is a long-term partner, willing to come on this journey as we grow our business - rather than just treating us as a software project."

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