Repeatable Good Waza – Part 1

Andrew Cox
July 24, 2018

We value learning at EndGame — and one way we show this love of learning is by having periodic Waza.

Waza is a Japanese word meaning technique. We use this phrase to emphasise that our Waza is about exploring good techniques — in code, in delivery and in collaboration and ideation.

The first stage of a Waza is to get the company together to brainstorm a theme. Then, over several weeks, each person pitches an idea based around the theme to the rest of the company. These pitches are then voted on to form a short list of 3–5 ideas.

From here teams are formed to work on one idea — meeting three times to plan and refine their idea before the big day of building and fun.

The goal is to produce some alpha software while practising skills that we might not get to use in the course of our jobs. Plus, it give us the opportunity to work with new people.

The theme for our latest Waza was adding a repeatable good to the world — and we’ll be focussing on the following four ideas:

An Accessible MMO

Who and where is Ryan Gosling? Work with your fellow unconventional gamers to find out.

Non-Fake News

Fake news in the world is bad. So non-fake news would be good. How about a news source that doesn’t give you one side of the story, it gives all 70 sides.


A daily reminder to help you pay it forward. Integrate with your favourite To Do App to add some good to your day, everyday.

Clothes for good

Baby clothes are never needed long enough to wear them out. Why not rent them cheaply instead of buying them?

With stage two (the build phase) of the Waza kicking off next week, I’m really looking forward to seeing what good we can add to the world.

Stay tuned!

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